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GTA 5: Patch-Notes zu Patch 1.01 - Windows-Nutzername macht keine Probleme mehr

So sollen die Abstürze und hohe CPU-Last beim GTA-5-Launcher nun der Vergangenheit angehören. Alle Golfspieler dürfen sich jetzt auf ein Gitternetz auf dem Rasen freuen, durch das die Topologie des Geländes sichtbar wird. Wer bei einer vollen Garage sein bestehendes Fahrzeug durch Kauf eines neuen Autos nicht ersetzen konnte, sollte zur Problemlösung ebenso Patch 1.01 installieren. Die vollständigen, englischen Patch-Notes haben wir unterhalb dieser Zeilen für Sie eingebunden. Alles Weitere zu GTA 5 PC finden Sie auf unserer Themenseite.

• Fixed an issue where the GTAV Launcher would use an abnormally high percentage of CPU and sometimes crash
• Fixed an issue where frame rate would drop when left-clicking the mouse while driving
• Added a grid to the Golf mini-game to show the topology of the green while putting
• Fixed an issue where a character's eyebrows or other facial features could change erroneously when transferred to PC
• Fixed an issue where a some players were asked to transfer their GTA Online character while a transfer was already in progress
• YouTube uploads via the Rockstar Editor will now correctly resume if Internet connection is lost during the upload and later restored
• Fixed a rare issue where the game could crash while using the Rockstar Editor
• Projects containing deleted clips will now load properly in the Rockstar Editor and warn the player of the missing clips
• Fixed an issue where birds were not recorded correctly in Rockstar Editor clips
• Corrected an issue where certain characters in Windows usernames would cause the Launcher to fail to load or other undesired game behavior. For details, see this page.
• Fixed an issue where players with one garage would not be able to replace an existing vehicle if the garage was full and the new vehicle was purchased from an in-game website
• Additional fixes to prepare for iFruit support
• Crew Tire Smoke can no longer be purchased if you are not in a Crew

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